Our animal companions bring so much to our lives. Their joy of living is an example to us. Their unconditional love is a model for how we should strive to live our own lives. By offering them the healing of Reiki, can give something back to them for all that they have given us. Animals are very open to the healing energy of Reiki. Using Reiki with them can accelerate their healing process, ease pain, improve or help to continue their quality of life. Animals love receiving the Reiki energy and benefit greatly from it.

Reiki can be used for all types of illnesses and injuries in animals, especially soothing and comforting to animals that are nervous or in pain, or having difficulty recuperating from surgery. Also, animals too afraid to be touched, unable to be moved, aggressive, or wild, can be treated as effectively from a distance, "distant healing". Reiki has principles or symbols that automatically set the intent as positive, and does not rely on the belief to work. Finding the cause of the illness is often done with a case history and diagnosis of the animal. Reiki is gentle and can be done hands on or from a distance. The healer is a transmitter of healing energy to which animals respond amazingly well and faster than humans. Our pets live in the moment, they have no preconceived notions to get over. They understand healing energy and its benefits immediately, some will actually come looking for it. Animal healing is exactly the same as healing people. I have had several experiences where wounded wild animals came to me for Reiki. See testimonials.

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